Use of the Forest

Public use of Saginaw Forest is encouraged. Rules for the public's use include (but are not limited to):

Friday, November 15, 1991

11-10 and 11-15-91

Piled up all logs from old willow - well more than a cord. Also cleaned up all smaller branches, brush, + sawdust. → 4 hours total.

Wednesday, November 6, 1991


O cut up butt end of willow + grubbed out stump + large roots. Also replaced old bar (heavily warn + bent) + put on new chain. Had old chain resharpened. → 2 1/2 hours.

Sunday, November 3, 1991


My dad cut up to 2/3's of large willow near shore 3rd Sister Lake taht fell onto lawn a week ago → ~2 hours.