Use of the Forest

Public use of Saginaw Forest is encouraged. Rules for the public's use include (but are not limited to):

Monday, December 5, 2011

Parking at Saginaw Forest (the short version)

There is no public parking at the facility.

Go to Westview Way and park on the street.

There are no exceptions to the rule. Those who have a gate key or are part of an official event are considered to be on official business and may park at the designated parking place(s) at the cabin.

If researchers (or instructors) can park their vehicle(s) in such a way so as to permit other vehicles to pass, then they don't have to park their vehicle(s) at the cabin.

Even if you are doing research in the facility, you still cannot park at the gate. (NO PARKING means NO PARKING.)

If you would like to report a person who is parking illegally, please call the University of Michigan Department of Public Safety at (734) 763-1131.

Thank you. 


  1. It tends to work also to park in the lots just east of the Forest (Precision manufacturing services, Rosedale products, &c.). There's a footpath directly between the south-west-most parking lot (right in view of Liberty) and the edge of the forest that leads into real forest paths.

    This avoids crossing Liberty on foot, so I prefer it. I don't know, though, whether the manufacturers have theoretical objections to public parking.

  2. Any parking in private lots means that your car is subject to being towed. Park in private lots at your own risk.
