Use of the Forest

Public use of Saginaw Forest is encouraged. Rules for the public's use include (but are not limited to):

Sunday, February 11, 2007

2/11/07 - Lake Ice >8"

We just skied 11 laps around the perimeter of Third Sister; we guessed it's about .5 mile per lap. The EEB limnology class came (2/5) out last Monday to take some water samples. At that point, the ice was 6" thick, where the week prior it was 3". So with the temperatures as they have been, highs in the 20s and laws in the single digits and teens, it is quickly thickening.

The cabin stays fairly warm, but certainly we wear sweaters and slippers. We've closed the shutters on the East and west windows, and also the northeast porch window. This seems to help.

We've been keeping one car in the barn; so far it hasn't been a big problem to get up the driveway. But come melt time, it will be a muddy mess, no doubt.

We saw a huge great horned owl the other morning perched in a tree along the driveway.

I also had the lovely experience the other night of awakening to a squirrel pawing at my hair! It was reaching up the edge of the bed and it took me awhile to realize what was going on.

To cold for chainsaw in barn - brought it in cabin so we can start it.