Use of the Forest

Public use of Saginaw Forest is encouraged. Rules for the public's use include (but are not limited to):

Sunday, October 8, 2006


It's another perfect fall morning on Third Sister Lake. Such a perfect beauty. The mist is thick on the lake this morning, even as the sun fully hits the trees on the opposite shore. The moon - quite fullish - is still high and visible in the Western Sky. It's fairly quit this morning. Some squirrel chatter in the woods, Canada geese honking in the distance. The boats are still tied up and floating just offshore from Friday's campfire.
A large group of Canada geese that were and are in the distance finally reached the lake then promptly headed south. 
The osprey just dove to the surface but did not break the water, then flew along the lake to the western end. I must have missed him perched in the trees and only noticed him once he took flight. His flight was both graceful and playful - it was as if he was enjoying his reflection in the lake.
The moon is slowly lowering in the western sky, seemingly moving north as it does so. Of course, the reality is that I am the one moving on this still morning.
One of the small squirrels - I must look up what kind they are - just came to the water beside me for a drink. I've never seen an animal quenching hist thirst in the lake before. All without even getting his feet wet.
A small flock of ducks flew west over the lake. I'm certain they landed on the adjacent pond, a favorite of birds of all types! The mood is now perched on the treetops on the west side, moving with greater speed as it closes in on the horizon.
An older squirrel (it would seem) is perched on a downed tree behind me - I looked when I heard him and he froze, motionless, but now he is shaking his tail at me, scolding, "Leave Intruder!" Undoubtedly he smells remnants of my hot chocolate and wishes to clean up my area.

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