Use of the Forest

Public use of Saginaw Forest is encouraged. Rules for the public's use include (but are not limited to):

Monday, June 6, 2011

The "trifecta"

There aren't that many rules of public use in Saginaw Forest, but yesterday, I encountered a group of 18-20-somethings who appeared to either bey really trying to break them or were completely oblivious of them.

I was doing rounds at 6 when I encountered a dog walker who said that there were three guys that were fishing on the north side of the lake. Yeesh. So, I knew to keep an eye out for them. Sure enough, there they were, getting ready to start fishing, a bag of beers in the water, and one opened. I informed them that they were not allowed to fish in Third Sister Lake (mono-fecta), were on the property after public-access hours (di-fecta), were drinking alcoholic beverages on university property (tri-fecta). (I suppose if they really wanted to shoot for more, they could have had their dogs off-leash, camping, cutting trees, hunting, burning wood, and riding horses and/or ATVs, too.)

They said that they didn't know that they were on university property (however, I question this assertion, since it turns out that at least one of them lives nearby). However, they were willing to leave, informing two of their friends (who were just showing up) that they couldn't actually stay and had to go somewhere else.

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