Use of the Forest

Public use of Saginaw Forest is encouraged. Rules for the public's use include (but are not limited to):

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lost data

This morning, I went out and collected GPS data points from throughout the forest, and I downloaded them onto my computer and transferred them to the correct data format for use in ArcGIS. However, I saved them as "tracks" instead of "points", and so when I cleared the data from the GPS unit (thinking that I had actually saved all the data), they were gone.

A whole morning of trekking through the forest and collecting spatial data and making notes of each of the points: gone. Oh well, at least I now know where most of the special trees are. And at least, the line for the paths was saved, so I am getting an ever-better representation of the trail-network in the forest. (Silver lining.)

I need to finish the work on the GIS work this weekend, which means forest treks later this afternoon.

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